I have been privileged to serve in the capacity of spiritual director since 2012. I have been honored to witness and support individuals with whom I have worked to connect with their deep knowing, their God-spark, their Rabbi within. I look forward to the opportunity to work to explore your spiritual questions and dilemmas. Together we will create sacred, holy space in which we can listen deeply for your truth, the unique Torah of your one, precious life.
I know first-hand how scary it can feel, how confusing – how absurd even! – it can seem to lean into the unknown, to cultivate trust in a divine energy beyond ourselves that we cannot be sure is there. I also know how painful it can be to not have a clear sense of purpose and how hard it can be to not have the right spiritual tools to navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs.
For more than a decade, I was – and continue to be – deeply heard and held by my own spiritual director. I have experienced the transformative power of kind, compassionate, holy listening in coming to know my soul’s truth. And I continue to cultivate the courage and faith to grow spiritually beyond my wildest dreams and fears.

Rabbi Diane taught me new insights and enduring techniques
Jennifer A.
Rabbi Diane Tiferet acted as my spiritual advisor during a very difficult time in my life. I cannot praise her highly enough for the intelligence, empathy, and support she brought to our meetings.
At the time, I was plagued by doubt, sadness and indecision, yet I always came away from our sessions with new insights and a feeling of calm that carried me through.
Even today, in a much better mental space, I practice techniques that Rabbi Diane taught me and find myself thinking of spiritual and psychological concepts that we discussed together. I am very grateful that I was able to work with Rabbi Diane.